

期待为你赋能的 AI秘塔 2023-02-27








  • 新增第九条:


  • 秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn:

Business operators shall not use data, algorithms, technologies, capital advantages, and platform rules to engage in any monopolistic practices prohibited herein.

  • 第十七条改为第二十二条,并新增第二款:


  • 秘塔翻译:

Business operators with the market dominance shall not abuse their market dominance as prescribed in the preceding paragraph by making use of data, algorithms, technologies and platform rules.



  • 第十四条改为第十八条,并新增第二款:


  • 秘塔翻译:

Business operators with a dominant market position shall not abuse their dominant market position as prescribed in the preceding paragraph by making use of data, algorithms, technologies and platform rules.

  • 第十四条改为第十八条,并新增第三款:


  • 秘塔翻译:

If the business operators can prove that their market share in the relevant market is lower than the standard prescribed by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Authorities under the State Council, and meet other conditions prescribed by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Authorities under the State Council, such agreements shall not be prohibited.



  • 新增第十九条:


  • 秘塔翻译:

Business operators shall not organize other business operators to reach monopoly agreements, or provide substantive assistance for other business operators to reach monopoly agreements.



  • 新增第三十二条:






  • 秘塔翻译:

Under any of the following circumstances, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Authorities under the State Council may decide to suspend the calculation of the review period for a concentration of business operators and notify the business operators concerned in writing:
(I) The business operators fail to submit documents and materials in accordance with the provisions, resulting in the failure to carry out the review;
(II) There are new circumstances or facts which have a significant impact on the review of a concentration of business operators, and will result in the failure to carry out the review without verification; or
(III) The restrictive conditions attached to a concentration of business operators need to be further assessed, and the business operators file a request for suspension.
The review period shall continue from the date on which the cause of suspension of calculation is eliminated. The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Authorities under the State Council shall notify the business operators concerned in writing.

  • 新增第三十七条:


  • 秘塔翻译: 

Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Authorities under the State Council shall improve the classification and grading review system for concentration of business operators, strengthen the review of concentration of business operators in important areas such as national economy and people's livelihood, and improve the quality and efficiency of review.


  • 第四十六条改为第五十六条:

  • 秘塔翻译:

Where a business operator violates the provisions of this Law in entering into and implementing a monopolistic agreement, the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency shall order the business operator to stop the illegal act, confiscate illegal income, and impose a fine ranging from 1% to 10% of the sales amount of the preceding year; where there is no sales amount in the preceding year, a fine of not more than RMB 5 million shall be imposed; where the monopolistic agreement has been entered into but has not been implemented, a fine of not more than RMB 3 million may be imposed. Where the legal representative, key person-in-charge and directly accountable personnel of the business operator are personally accountable for entering into a monopolistic agreement, a fine of not more than RMB 1 million may be imposed.

  • 第四十八条改为第五十八条:

  • 秘塔翻译:

Where a business operator violates the provisions of this Law in implementing concentration which has or may have effect of excluding or restricting competition, the Anti-monopoly law enforcement authorities under the State Council shall order the business operator to stop implementing concentration, dispose of shares or assets, transfer business within a stipulated period and adopt any other necessary measures to reinstate the pre-concentration status, and impose a fine of not more than 10% of the sales amount of the preceding year; where the concentration does not have effect of excluding or restricting competition, a fine of not more than RMB 5 million shall be imposed.

  • 第五十二条改为第六十二条:

  • 秘塔翻译:

Where business operators refuse to provide the relevant materials and information to the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency for examination and investigation carried out pursuant to the law, provide false materials and information, conceal, destroy or remove evidence, or commit any other act to refuse or hinder investigation, the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency shall order the business operator to make correction, and impose a fine of not more than 1% of the sales amount of the preceding year; where there are no sales amounts in the preceding year or it is difficult to compute the sales amount, a fine of not more than RMB 5 million shall be imposed; where the business operator is an individual, a fine of not more than RMB 500,000 shall be imposed.

  • 增加第六十三条:

  • 秘塔翻译:

In the case of a violation of the provisions of this Law, and if the circumstances are particularly serious, the effects are particularly adverse, and the consequences are particularly serious, the anti-monopoly law enforcement authorities under the State Council may determine the specific amount of a fine which is between twice and five times the amount of the fine stipulated in Articles 56, 57, 58, and 62.

  • 增加第六十四条:

  • 秘塔翻译:

Where a business operator is subject to administrative punishment for violation of the provisions of this Law, the punishment shall be recorded in the credit record pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State and announced to the public.




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