
TDLI Invites Talents for NSFC Young Scholars Fund (Overseas)

   About TDLI  

Initiated by Professor Tsung-Dao Lee, the prominent Chinese-American physicist and the laureate of Nobel Prize in Physics,Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) is a world-class science and research institution with wide-ranging supports and endorsements from governments andministries at national and municipal levels.


With a mandate to establish itself as a center for science and innovation of global influence, the Institute is an integral part of Comprehensive National Science Center in Zhangjiang, Shanghai. The Institute will endeavor to advance the understanding of nature from key perspectives: particle and nuclear physics, astronomy and astrophysics, and quantum science. Prof.Frank Wilczek, a Nobel laureate in 2004, has been appointed as the Founding Director of TDLI in 2017.

TDLI currently has 62 full-time faculty members from 16 countries of 5 continents, among which are 7 T. D. Lee Professors, 16 T. D. Lee Fellows, and 39 Postdocs. In addition, the institute has 15 Adjunct Fellows and 28 long-term Visiting Fellows.


TDLI seeks highly qualified candidates with physics and/or astronomy backgrounds, including the research areas: particle and nuclearphysics, astronomy and astrophysics, fundamental quantum science and interdisciplinary physics.

About NSFC Excellent Young Scholars Fund (Overseas)  

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) launched the NSFC Excellent Young Scholars Fund(Overseas) in 2021, in order to encourage overseas outstanding young scholars(including non-Chinese foreigners) to work in China.

     Application Requirements 
    • Born after September 1,1980.

    • Have a doctorate degree.

    • In principle, applicants shall work experience in a formal teaching or research position in an overseas university, college or scientific research institute for more than 36 consecutive months before April 30, 2021. (For those applicants, who obtained an overseas doctorate degree and with outstanding academic achievements, the required years of working may be reduced).

    • Applicants conduct relevant research in physics and/or astronomy and have made influential contributions and research achievements, and with the potential to become leading scientists or outstanding talents in the field(s).

    • Applicants have not worked full time in China, or have returned (or come) to work in China after September1, 2019.

    • Amount: RMB 1-3 million

    • Period: 3 years.

      Application Instructions  

    Eligible applicant shall sign a labor contract or an intention agreement with his/her supporting institute in accordance with requirements of relevant guide, and then log into the information system (https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/) after March 22, 2021 to complete the Application for NSFC National Natural Scientists Fund (Overseas) online. Applicants shall be responsible for the authenticity of application materials.

       Contact Information  

    Interested applicants are encouraged to send your CV to either of the following persons by March 10, 2021:

    Ms. Fu: li.fu@sjtu.edu.cn

    Ms. Li:  lss@sjtu.edu.cn


    According to relevant policies of Shanghai authority and SJTU, we will provide attractive remuneration package, research start-up funds, well-decorated transitional talent apartments and relevant housing subsidies, high-quality medical services, as well as preferential admission policies and conditions for applicants' children.


    We welcome you to join Tsung-Dao Lee Institute!

