
2021 HKAW Day 2 | How to Increase Party Engagement

ICC Arbitration will organise a hybrid event at the 10th HK Arbitration Week on: ICC & ICC HK: How to Increase Party Engagement in International Arbitration; How Valuable is WitnessTestimony?
Date & Time:26 October 2021 | 14:00 - 17:30 (Hong Kong Time) 
Programme:14:00 - 14.05   Registration
14.05 - 14.10   Welcome
14.05 - 14.50   Client mindset: How to Increase Party Engagement in International Arbitration
  • The ICC Court President: Claudia Salomon 
  • The ICC Court Secretary-General: Alex Fessas 
  • The ICC Court Members for Hong Kong: Kim Rooney and Simon Chapman QC  

14:50 - 16:20  Plenary Panel: How Valuable is Witness Testimony?Moderated by ICC HK Arbitration Committee Chairman Rory McAlpine
  • Dr Ula Cartwright-Finch, Founder and Managing Director, Cortex Capital 
  • Toby Landau QC, Barrister and Arbitrator, Duxton Hill Chambers 
  • Hon. Robert C. Tang GBM SBS QC SC JP, Non-Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Final Court of Appeal 
  • Kanice Chan, Executive Director, Litigation and Investigations Asia, Nomura International (Hong Kong) 

16:20 - 17:00   A Deeper Look at ICC Dispute Resolution Service in Asia
  • ICC Asia Secretariat Counsel: Xin Zhang 
  • Director, ICC Arbitration & ADR North Asia: Donna Huang  
  • ICC Belt & Road Commission
  • ICC HK Arbitration Committee Chair: Rory McAlpine  
  • ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition - Hong Kong: Ronald Sum & Christopher To 

17:00 - 17:10  Closing
For registration, please click "Read More".
For any queries, please email the HKArbWeek Secretariat at hkaweek@hkiac.org.

2021 HKAW Day 1


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