
针对AIGC的规定全新出台 | 重点分析+全套双语版法规

期待为你赋能的 AI秘塔









  • “深度合成技术,是指利用深度学习、虚拟现实等生成合成类算法制作文本、图像、音频、视频、虚拟场景等网络信息的技术。”

  • 秘塔翻译:"Deep synthesis technology refers to the technology for producing text, images, audio, video, virtual scenes and other network information by using deep learning, virtual reality and other generation and synthesis algorithms." 


  • “(一)篇章生成、文本风格转换、问答对话等生成或者编辑文本内容的技术;








  • 秘塔翻译:"(I) Technologies for chapter generation, text style conversion, questions, answers and dialogues and other technologies for generating or editing text contents;

    (II) Technologies for generating or editing audio contents, such as text-to-speech, speech-to-speech conversion and audio attribute editing;

    (III) Technologies for generating or editing non-audio contents, such as music generation and scene sound editing;

    (IV) Technologies for generating or editing biological features in images and video contents, such as face generation, face replacement, character attribute editing, face control and posture control;

    (V) Technologies for generating or editing non-biological features in images and video contents, such as image generation, image enhancement and image restoration; and

    (VI) Technologies for generating or editing digital characters and virtual scenes, such as 3D reconstruction and digital simulation. "

不难看出,如今AI领域热度正高也备受争议的几项技术,如文章自动生成(国内以秘塔写作猫为代表性软件)、图像自动生成(国外以stable diffusion、Dalle-2为代表性软件)等,都在《规定》所列“深度合成技术”范围内。






  • 第六条 任何组织和个人不得利用深度合成服务制作、复制、发布、传播法律、行政法规禁止的信息,不得利用深度合成服务从事危害国家安全和利益、损害国家形象、侵害社会公共利益、扰乱经济和社会秩序、侵犯他人合法权益等法律、行政法规禁止的活动。深度合成服务提供者和使用者不得利用深度合成服务制作、复制、发布、传播虚假新闻信息。转载基于深度合成服务制作发布的新闻信息的,应当依法转载互联网新闻信息稿源单位发布的新闻信息。”

  •  秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn:

    "Article 6 No organization or individual may take advantage of deep synthesis services to produce, reproduce, release, or disseminate information prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, or take advantage of deep synthesis services to engage in activities prohibited by laws and administrative regulations that endanger national security and interests, damage the national image, infringe on social public interests, disrupt the economic and social order, or infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.  Deep synthesis service providers and users shall not use deep synthesis services to produce, reproduce, release, or disseminate false news information. Where news information produced and released based on deep synthesis services is to be reproduced, the news information released by an entity that publishes the sources news manuscripts shall be reproduced in accordance with the law. "




  • 第九条 深度合成服务提供者应当基于移动电话号码、身份证件号码、统一社会信用代码或者国家网络身份认证公共服务等方式,依法对深度合成服务使用者进行真实身份信息认证,不得向未进行真实身份信息认证的深度合成服务使用者提供信息发布服务。”

  • 秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn:

    "Article 9 Deep synthesis service providers shall verify the real identity information of deep synthesis service users according to the law on the basis of mobile phone numbers, ID numbers, unified social credit codes, national network identity authentication public services or other manners, and shall not provide information publishing services for deep synthesis service users who have not gone through the verification of their real identity information."

  • 第十条 深度合成服务提供者应当加强深度合成内容管理,采取技术或者人工方式对深度合成服务使用者的输入数据和合成结果进行审核。深度合成服务提供者应当建立健全用于识别违法和不良信息的特征库,完善入库标准、规则和程序,记录并留存相关网络日志。深度合成服务提供者发现违法和不良信息的,应当依法采取处置措施,保存有关记录,及时向网信部门和有关主管部门报告;对相关深度合成服务使用者依法依约采取警示、限制功能、暂停服务、关闭账号等处置措施。”

  • 秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn:

    "Article 10 Deep synthesis service providers shall strengthen the management of deep synthesis contents, and examine and verify the input data and synthesis results of deep synthesis service users by technical or manual methods. Deep synthesis service providers shall establish and perfect the characteristic database for identifying illegal and malicious information, improve the standards, rules and procedures for entry into the database, and record and retain the relevant web logs. Deep synthesis service providers that find out illegal and malicious information shall take disposal measures in accordance with the law, keep the relevant records, and promptly report to the cyberspace administration and the relevant competent authorities; and they shall, in accordance with the law or as agreed, take disposal measures against the relevant deep synthesis service users, such as giving warnings, restricting functions, suspending services and closing accounts."



  • 第十七条 深度合成服务提供者提供以下深度合成服务,可能导致公众混淆或者误认的,应当在生成或者编辑的信息内容的合理位置、区域进行显著标识,向公众提示深度合成情况:







  •  秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn:

    "Article 17 Where a deep synthesis service provider provides the following deep synthesis services, which may cause confusion or misidentification of the public, it shall make prominent marks at reasonable positions and areas of the information content generated or edited to prompt the public about the deep synthesis situation:

    (I) Generation or editing of texts by simulating a natural person through intelligent dialogue, intelligent writing, etc.;

    (II) Editing services that generate speech such as synthesis of voice, mime, etc., or noticeably change personal identity features;

    (III) Editing services that generate image or video images or videos or noticeably change personal identity features such as face generation, face replacement, face control, posture control, etc.;

    (IV) Immersive simulation scene generation or editing services; and

    (V) Other services that have the function of generating or noticeably changing information content.

    Deep synthesis service providers providing deep synthesis services other than those specified in the preceding paragraph shall provide a prominent marking function and prompt deep synthesis service users to make prominent marks."


  • 第十一条 深度合成服务提供者应当建立健全辟谣机制,发现利用深度合成服务制作、复制、发布、传播虚假信息的,应当及时采取辟谣措施,保存有关记录,并向网信部门和有关主管部门报告。”

  • 秘塔翻译:"Article 11 Deep synthesis service providers shall establish and improve a mechanism to refute rumors. If it is found that deep synthesis services are used to produce, reproduce, release or disseminate false information, the deep synthesis service providers shall promptly take measures to refute rumors, keep the relevant records, and report the case to the cyberspace administration and the relevant competent authorities."

  •  “第十二条 深度合成服务提供者应当设置便捷的用户申诉和公众投诉、举报入口,公布处理流程和反馈时限,及时受理、处理和反馈处理结果。”

  • 秘塔翻译:"Article 12 Deep synthesis service providers shall set up a convenient portal for user complaints, complaints and reports from the public, announce the handling process and feedback time limit, and promptly accept and process complaints and provide feedback on the handling results. "



  • 第十五条 深度合成服务提供者和技术支持者应当加强技术管理,定期审核、评估、验证生成合成类算法机制机理。深度合成服务提供者和技术支持者提供具有以下功能的模型、模板等工具的,应当依法自行或者委托专业机构开展安全评估:



  •   秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn:

    "Article 15 Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters shall strengthen technical management and regularly review, evaluate and verify the algorithmic mechanism that generates the synthesis class. Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters who provide models, templates and other tools with the following functions shall conduct security assessment by themselves or entrusting specialized agencies in accordance with the law:

    (I) Generating or editing face, voice and other biometric information; or

    (II) Generating or editing special objects, scenes and other non-biometric information that may involve national security, national image, national interests and public interests. "


  • 第十九条第一款 具有舆论属性或者社会动员能力的深度合成服务提供者,应当按照《互联网信息服务算法推荐管理规定》履行备案和变更、注销备案手续。”

  • 秘塔翻译:"Article 19 The deep synthesis service providers with attribute of public opinions or capable of mobilizing the public shall go through the formalities for record-filing, change or deregistration of record-filing in accordance with the Administrative Provisions on the Recommendation of Algorithms for Internet-based Information Services."

  • 第二十条 深度合成服务提供者开发上线具有舆论属性或者社会动员能力的新产品、新应用、新功能的,应当按照国家有关规定开展安全评估。”

  • 秘塔翻译:"Article 20 Where deep synthesis service providers develop and launch new products, new applications and new functions with attribute of public opinions or capable of mobilizing the public, they shall conduct security assessment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. "



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